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Quick Fix Summary on Alexa Voice Recognition Problems

If your Amazon Echo Alexa isn't responding, it could be because of connection troubles or mic settings. Make sure it's hooked up to the internet by checking the Wi-Fi. Give your Alexa and your router a reboot. Still having problems? Fire up the Alexa app, go to Devices, tap on Echo & Alexa, then find your gizmo, and double-check it's got the newest updates. Also, see if the mic is turned on and try another voice command. For extra help, check out Alexa Help & Customer Support.

Now, let's get into more detail about common Alexa echo problems:

How to fix Alexa not responding to voice commands issue?

Method 1: Ask Alexa Echo your question again and this time speak louder! 

While it sounds ridiculous, voice recognition issues could be because the Amazon Echo Alexa device simply didn’t catch your question!

Echo devices have integrated omnidirectional microphones so in theory they can catch voice commands from 360 degrees and a decent distance. 

My experience is somewhat different! I have an Amazon Echo speaker installed above a kitchen wall cabinet which regularly misses questions I ask and I typically need to shout the question at her!

I really should just move the device, so it’s in a more direct “earshot!”

If you have a Smart TV or Firestick, you may need to press the microphone button on your remote for Alexa to hear your command.

If you are using Alexa on your phone, you may need to be in the Alexa App for the voice command to register.

Method 2: Test the microphone button by saying “Alexa, can you hear me?”

Alexa activates when she hears her “wake word” which is typically “Alexa”, “Echo” or “Computer”. However, there are plenty of times when she thinks she hears her wake word and listens in. After analyzing the audio signal, if she determines that there isn’t actually a question for her, she simply ignores it.

If you ask Alexa a very long-winded question, she can sometimes think the audio isn’t relevant to her and ignore it. 

So instead when testing, I recommend simply asking “Alexa, can you hear me?”

Alexa Echo Dot Not Responding to Voice

Method 4: Rephrase the Question to see if Alexa responding

If the Amazon Alexa device responds to “Can you hear me” but not your original question, then it's worth rephrasing the question to something she will respond to.

Method 5: Leave a slight gap between saying “Alexa” and your voice command

I have a tendency to speak quite fast, which can result in Alexa missing the question.

To ensure your voice commands are properly relayed, leave a slight gap when you say the word “Alexa” followed by your question.

As you relay the commands, make sure you speak naturally and clearly. To get a better understanding of how Alexa picks up your commands, you may access the Alexa history and see what the device interprets during your voice commands.

(Alexa App > More > Settings > Alexa Privacy > Voice History).

When I did this I was surprised how many times Alexa recorded audio which was then classified as “Audio was not intended for this device”.

Method 6: Check if your Amazon Alexa Echo device is powered on and responsive

If Amazon Alexa responding to you with the silent treatment, then it’s time to check if she’s actually plugged in!

Echo devices need a constant reliable power supply and I recommend using the power adapter that came with the device when you purchased it.

If the Amazon's Alexa device is securely plugged into a wall outlet, then press a button on the device. There should be some feedback to your button press, such as the light ring illuminating or some message on the screen.

Method 7: Check Alexa if muted

If your device has power then to check whether or not your device is muted, look at its light indicator. If the light indicator is red, your device is muted.

The mute feature prevents the device from picking up your commands and responding to them. To unmute the device, press the microphone button for at least two seconds and the device will send an indication that it has been unmuted. 

Alexa Wake Word screen

Method 7: Check the selected “Wake Word” in the Alexa App

As mentioned earlier, Alexa can be configured to respond to other “wake words” such as Amazon, Echo or Computer . There are also optional “celebrity wake words” such as Samuel L Jackson, Melissa McCarty, Shaquille O’Neill or even Santa Claus!

If the Echo device is configured to respond to one of those other words, then it won’t respond to the “Alexa” prompt.

To double check which is set …

  1. Go to your Alexa App > More > Settings > Device Settings
  2. Select the device you are trying to communicate with
  3. Hit the cog at the top right of the screen
  4. Hit “Wake Word” under General
  5. This loads the various wake words and “Alexa” should have a blue tick beside it. If it doesn’t either select it, or instead just use the other wake word configured.

To double check which is set …

  1. Go to your Alexa App > More > Settings > Device Settings
  2. Select the device you are trying to communicate with
  3. Hit the cog at the top right of the screen
  4. Hit “Wake Word” under General
  5. This loads the various wake words and “Alexa” should have a blue tick beside it. If it doesn’t either select it, or instead just use the other wake word configured.

Method 7: Reduce background noise or move the Alexa device

I’ve found the Echo microphones to be quite good at picking up questions, even when the Echo speaker is blaring out music.

However, if another device is playing music, or there’s simply a lot of active noise in the room, voice recognition issue can occur. Also, Amazon recommends moving your device away from walls!

So, to ensure Alexa clearly hears your commands and is able to respond, you’ll want to reduce or eliminate the background noise. These include anything from TV or music speakers, to sounds from kitchen appliances, or conversations.

Alexa Brief Mode screen

Method 8: Check if “Brief Mode” is enabled

If “Brief Mode” is set, it can reduce the duration of Alexa’s responses. It can also replace responses with a short beep instead of answering.

If you think this might be the problem, you can check it in the Alexa App under More > Settings > Voice Responses under Alexa Preferences. 

No network found screen

Method 9: Check if Alexa has an active internet connection

Sometimes you may experience issues with Echo Speaker or Display not responding to voice commands due to poor internet or no internet connection at all. 

While generally she’ll inform you if she’s having trouble connecting to the internet, on occasion she might not.

Method 10: Test Wi-Fi on your phone while standing beside your router

To check if your Wi-Fi network has internet, I typically connect my phone to the network and disable mobile data. From there I try to access the internet through Google Chrome or another web browser. As web browsers can serve cached content, I usually try to run a speed test to ensure there is data flowing back and forth (Simply Google the words “speed test” to find the resource).

Method 11: Test Wi-Fi on your phone while standing beside your Echo device

While you may have a decent internet connection while standing beside your router, that signal might not be as powerful where your Echo device is located.

So carry out the test again, but this time go to the location of the smart speaker.

If you suspect your Wi-Fi signal is the issue, it might be worth investing in a Wi-Fi repeater/extender or upgrading to mesh Wi-Fi. Alternatively, you could move the Echo device closer to the Wi-Fi router.

Method 12: Double Check Wi-Fi settings for the device in the Alexa App

If your Wi-Fi network is operating normally, then I recommend checking to make sure the Echo device is configured to work with that Wi-Fi network.

For this go the Alexa App > More > Settings > Device Settings > Choose the Echo device. Press the cog at the top of the screen and under Wireless, you should see the name of the Wi-Fi network. This should be the same as the one you just tested with.

Method 13: Out-of-Date Firmware (Alexa software versions)

If you’ve plugged in your device for the first time in a while, it’s possible the device's firmware is out of date.

Typically, Echo devices download firmware automatically when connected to the internet.

You can usually ask “Alexa, check for a software update” However that’s clearly no help if she’s not answering you!

Instead, restarting the device as discussed next may help force a software update.

Note: You can also see the current Device Software Version under the About section of the device in the app. While this doesn’t tell you if this is the latest version, it may be useful if you end up speaking to someone in Amazon support.

Method 14. Restart your Alexa device

If making changes to the device settings doesn’t work or the device is unresponsive to button presses, you may have to simply restart your Alexa device. 

This is how you restart Alexa: Unplug it from the outlet, wait a minute and then plug it back in. (This is called “power cycling”)

Once it reconnects to the network, try the voice command again to see if it works.

Method 15: Reset your Alexa device

If the above methods don’t work, then you may have to resort to the last option – reset your Alexa device. 

To reset unresponsive Alexa, press the action button (The solid circle) on the device for 20 seconds. Once the light ring comes back on, you’re back in setup mode.

From here go to the device in the Alexa App and follow the setup instructions.

Final Words

If none of the above work to fix voice-recognition glitches, it’s possible that you either have received a faulty device or damage has occurred to the device over time.

This happened to me when I had an Echo Dot on my kitchen window and eventually, water splashed on it from the sink. It never really recovered from the water damage.

If you think those common Alexa voice recognition glitches are caused by the faulty device, then it’s definitely worth seeing if it's still under warranty and contacting the retailer or Amazon themselves.

So there you have it! 11 tips and tricks to fix the issue of Alexa Echo Dot not responding to your voice commands. 

Let us know in the comments below if any of these worked to fix your Echo problems or if you have any other tips or tricks I should include!

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1 Comment

  • larrybud
    Posted July 1, 2022 at 4:53 pm

    After battling non-responsive Alexa devices (two of them) I finally solved it!!

    I bought a Google Nest Mini. This thing responds immediately, and all of my smart home devices work with it as well.

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