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The main role of the lock feature in thermostats from Emerson or White Rodgers is to guard compressors against short cycling. However, with many contemporary compressors featuring a built-in delay system, the importance of the thermostat could potentially decrease.

Also, during repairs, the compressor lockout mode can get in the way of testing, so having the option to disable and re-enable it can come in handy. 

In this article, I’ll show you how to toggle the compressor lockout in your thermostat and optimize your HVAC system for better performance. 

What is the Compressor Lockout Mode?

Compressor Lockout is used to prevent the compressors from turning on too quickly and short-cycling the system.

Basically, it's a safety feature that delays the compressor five minutes after you adjust the thermostat to call for cooling. 

White Rodgers thermostats usually have this setting enabled by default, and in certain models, you can disable this feature using the configuration menu. 

Why Disable the Compressor Lockout Mode?

Disabling this feature is allowed since most modern compressors have the compressor lockout mode already built-in to their system. So to prevent unnecessary delays, you can switch off the 5-minute delay in your thermostat. 

Also, this feature needs to be disabled when an HVAC technician is running tests on your compressor during maintenance or repairs. 

Compatible Models

The Compressor Lockout Mode feature exists in a range of White Rodgers/Emerson thermostats.

As such, the following lineups already allow toggling this feature:

  • Emerson Blue 12″ thermostat
  • Emerson Blue 6″ thermostat
  • Emerson Blue 4″ model
  • Emerson Blue 2″ model
  • White Rodgers 80 Series
  • White Rodgers 70 Series
  • White Rodgers Classic 80 
  • White Rodgers Classic 70
  • White Rodgers IF90 Digital 
  • White Rodgers IF80 Classic 80

So keep reading, if you have one of these models, and you want to disable/enable the compressor lockout feature.

Emerson Blue Series 12″ Touchscreen

Model Numbers: 1F95-1277, 1F95-1280, 1F97-1277, 1F95-1291

Blue Series 12 Emerson Touchscreen Thermostat 1 2
  1. Press the “Menu” button/touch prompt.
  2. After that, press and hold the “Installer Config” button for 5 seconds or until the display changes.
  3. In this new menu, you'll have the “reference” number in the top right, indicating the setting code, and another set of numbers in the middle, indicating the current option for this setting.
  4. Here, you can use the up and down arrows (located on the right) to change the number at the top right.
  5. Change this to “11” to select the compressor lockout (CL) setting.
  6. Then, use the left and right arrows (at the top left of the display) to adjust the value.
  7. Switch to “OFF” if you want to disable compressor lockout, or toggle to “E” to enable it.
  8. To save your changes, tap on “Run Schedule” at the bottom right
Blue series 12 inch comp lock
How to disable Compressor Lockout in a Blue Series 12″

Emerson Blue Series 6″ and 4″

Model Numbers: 1F95EZ-0671, 1F95-0671, 1F95-0680, 1F85-0422 ,1F83-0471

Blue Series 4 Inch 2
  1. Make sure the system is set to “Heat”, “Cool,” or “Auto.” 
  2. To remove any holds, make sure to press the “Run Sched” button.
  3. Then, press and hold the “Menu” button for five seconds or until the display changes.
  4. The screen will change with the main temperature dial changing to “1.” 
  5. Here, keep pressing the “Menu” button until the code switches to “CL.” In certain models, the reference number will be 8, 7, or even 9.
  6. Then, use the up and down arrow keys to switch the option between “ON” and “OFF.”
  7. Finally, press the “Run Sched” button to save changes and return to the home screen.

Emerson Blue Series 2″

Model Numbers: 1F80-0261 1F80-0224 1F86EZ-0251 1F86-0244 1F82-0261 1F89EZ-0251 1F89-0211

Blue Series 2 Inch 1 2
  1. First, adjust your system mode to “Off”.
  2. Then, press the up and down arrow buttons together until the display changes.
  3. Keep pressing “Run/Hold” until you get to setting “6” or “CL.”
  4. Then, use the up and down arrows again to adjust the compressor lockout mode to either “OFF” or “On.”
  5. Press “PRGM” to save your changes and return to the main menu.

White Rodgers 80 Series

Model Numbers: 1F83C-11NP 1F83C-11PR 1F83H-21NP 1F83H-21PR 1F85U-22NP 1F85U-22PR 1F85U-42NP 1F85U-42PR

80 Series 1 2
  1. Press and hold the “Menu” button for 8 seconds.
  2. The display will change, with “CR” displayed on the menu.
  3. Then, use “Next” to navigate to “CL” or reference number 50.
  4. Use the up and down arrows to toggle this setting to “On” or “OFF.” 
  5. Press “Run” to save changes.

White Rodgers 70 Series

Model Numbers: 1F75C-11NP 1F75C-11PR 1F75H-21NP 1F75H-21PR 1F75P-21NP 1F75P-21PR

70 Series 1 1
  1. Switch the system to “OFF.”
  2. Then, press and hold the up and down temperature buttons for 3 seconds.
  3. Keep pressing the up and down temp buttons together until you cycle to “CL” or code number 50.
  4. Then, press either the up or down temperature buttons to adjust this setting between “On” and “Off.”
  5. To exit the menu, keep pressing both temperature buttons simultaneously until you exhaust the menu options (usually the menu exits after 83 “dL”).

Classic 80 Series

Model Numbers: 1F80-361 1F82-261 1F86-344 1F87-361 1F89-211

Classic 80 Series 1
  1. Press “Run” to make sure the thermostat is not holding the temperature.
  2. Then, press “PRGM” and “Run” buttons together until the display changes to “HOLD.” 
  3. Keep pressing the “HOLD” button until you cycle to “LOC.”
  4. Then, use the up and down arrows to enable or disable the compressor lockout mode.
  5. Press “Run” to save and exit

Classic 70 Series

Model Number: 1E78-140 1E78-144 1E78-151 1F72-151 1F78-144 1F78-151 1F79-111

Classic 70 Series 1
  1. Press “Run” to make sure the thermostat is not holding the temperature.
  2. Then, press “PRGM” and “Run” buttons together until the display changes to “HOLD.”
  3. Keep pressing the “HOLD” button until you cycle to “CL.”
  4. Then, use the up and down arrows to toggle accordingly.
  5. Press “Run” to save and exit

Comfort-Set® 90 Series

Model Number: 1F90/1F97-3XX, 1F90-60

Comfort Set® 90 Series
  1. Press Program “Run” button to cancel any holds. 
  2. Then, press the Time “FWD” and “BACK” buttons together until the display changes. 
  3. Keep pressing Time “FWD” to advance the setting options until you get to “COMP LOCK.”
  4. Use the up and down arrows to toggle the compressor lockout feature. 
  5. Press Program “Run” to save and exit

1F80 Classic 80 Series

Model Number: 1F80-71

1F80 Classic 80 Series 1

Simply press and hold the up and down temperature buttons together until the screen flashes or the display changes.


The compressor lockout mode is a valuable safety feature that helps prevent short cycling in your HVAC system. 

Although enabled by default, most models allow you to disable the lockout mode so you can instead rely on the compressor’s built-in delay or when you need to run tests on the system. 

So if you have a modern compressor or want to show your HVAC technician how to disable this feature, make sure to check the instructions above. 


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